When it come to diet products, it can be quite difficult to determine which ones are real and which ones are full of sawdust and other kinds of fillers. The brand that is leading the industry today is the Zotrim based Fibretrim brand. But of course, the best way to be able to fully understand why Fibretrim is the best is to compare it with another product that claims to be able to do the same things that Fibretrim can, or maybe even more.
Metamucil is a bulk producing fiber drink and laxative. It is used most commonly by people who are suffering from constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, and irritable bower syndrome due to the cleansing properties that that this product is said to have. Its most active ingredient is the psyllium seed husk. While there is no doubt about the many different health benefits of fiber, there have been many claims that Metamucil can actually be effective as a weight loss drink. While it is true that a healthy bowel movement is highly encouraged by the added fiber in the body, this does not mean that the person will automatically lose weight. As a matter of fact, the only way that a person will be able to successfully lose weight is if they burn more calories with exercise and take in fewer calories when eating.
As a matter of fact, there seems to be more cons to Metamucil than there are pros. The main benefit still stands that it is a great source of fiber, but even the intake of dietary fiber can have adverse effects. This intake of dietary fiber can hinder the body's absorption of nutrients and minerals, which actually just makes the body weaker. This kind of fiber drink may also interfere with pre-existing medications that you may already be taking. In the end, it can be seen that taking more conventional forms of fiber, such as whole grain bread and cereals, is a better form of fiber. Also, there is no real scientific proof that Metamucil can actually help people lose weight.
Fibretrim, on the other hand, is pretty much everything that Metamucil is not. Fibretrim is dietary supplement that comes in powder form as well, but unlike Metamucil, which is just for fiber, Fibretrim actually targets those main things that cause people to gain weight, which are the intake of calories and the burning of the fat inside by the metabolism. Based on the Zotrim formula that has already satisfied 10 million customers, Fibretrim has the added ingredient of Inulin, which is a fiber probiotic that is meant to promote digestive health.
What you get with Fibretrim is the best of both outside and inside weight loss methods. Because of the appetite suppressing factors of Fibretrim, you eat less during meal times and you crave less in between meals as well. Not only do you eat less, but you feel less hunger pains as well. That way your caloric intake is lessened by almost 20% during meals. The meal that is most targeted is lunch time, because this is usually the meal that people eat a lot because they think they will need the energy for the rest of the day.
As for the fat burning on the inside, the four potent ingredients in Fibretrim are there to make sure that your metabolism works at its finest. Because unless your metabolism works continuously and quickly, you will be able to burn more calories faster and more efficiently.
All in all, dieters should not be fooled. If you want to lose weight, fiber is not enough. You need to reduce your intake of calories as well as burn food more efficiently on the inside. Both of these things can be brought to you by Fibretrim. So why go for anything else?
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