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Instant Performer VS MaxSize

It is no secret that a large percentage of the male population will experience erectile dysfunction at least once in their life. This is because there are many different reasons why men experience this, most commonly age, stress, fatigue, or emotional distress. It has become such a common phenomenon that there has been a constant demand for a product that can solve this problem. While there have been some chemical products that have been truly successful in doing so, they all came with such nasty side effects that they simply weren't worth the risks that men had to take. Today, more and more herbal supplements are being produced as a way to fix this problem. The question now is how will you pick which product to use? There are so many different herbal treatments today, coming in many different forms such as pills, patches, and powders. Recent studies have shown that Instant Performer, a topical gel that is applied to the penis, has proven to be far more effective than any of the other products being sold today.

Its effectivity can be seen when it is compared to another such product in pill form. Max size is an herbal formula that comes in pill form, and although it also contains a lot of ingredients that have been proven to be effective for male enhancement, the fact alone that it comes in pill form shows that it is less effective than Instant Performer. This is because it has been proven that when a supplement is taken orally, a large percentage of the ingredients are lost in the digestive system. They are destroyed in the metabolism process, and therefore only really giving the body half than what is actually inside the pill. The beauty of Instant Performer being applied topically is that all of the ingredients go straight into the blood stream. In the same way that the nicotine patch makes use of transdermal technology to introduce nicotine right into the bloodstream, Instant Performer gel also uses this method to deliver more that 99% of its ingredients directly into the bloodstream. That way, you get the exact same dosage as the number specified in the box.

Another great advantage of a topical product over a pill product is that Instant Performer makes you into just that: an instant performer. After only 40 seconds after application, you will experience a rock hard erection that will stay for as long as 2 whole hours. That's two whole hours of mind-blowing sex for you and your partner. Oral supplements on the other hand, just like Max Size, will take weeks or even months before any results can be seen. This is because products like Max Size are supposed to be taken as a daily supplement that is to be included in your diet. Only after 4-5 weeks will you really feel the effects of the ingredients, even longer if you want the same effects that Instant Performer can give you.

Things like Max Size also come with penis exercises that you have to do everyday if you want to get any results. If you do not do these exercises on a daily basis and for more than five weeks, you will not see any differences. These kinds of exercises may not sound like much when you first think about it, but they become quite a hassle once you get busy with life and work. With Instant Performer, you don't even have to think of anything like that! Sure those exercises only take 8 minutes a day, but that sure doesn't beat the 40 seconds that it takes for Instant Performer to work.

So if you're looking for a product that not only works every time, but works so amazingly fast, there's no question that what you need is none other than Instant Performer.
