There are a lot of products out there for male enhancement purposes, more specifically for penis enlargement, stamina building, and fighting erectile dysfunction. The problem now is that men are having a hard time figuring out what product they want to use. There are two main products that are proving to be the best of the best when it comes to helping men overcome their problems in bed, and these two products are MaleExtra and Extenze. But which one is the right product for you? To further determine this, you need to look carefully at what each product targets and compare it to whether or not it is what you need.
Extenze is a dietary supplement that is designed specifically to help men and their sexual needs. It is targeted at enlarging the length and girth of the erect penis of a man. It uses an all natural formulation that features only the best ingredients that have been tried and tested to work for making the penis longer and thicker. Because of the all natural substances that are being used, there are no reported side effects, unlike chemical substances for male enhancement that have caused scary side effects such as blue vision, pounding headaches, and even nausea and vomiting. Because it is classified as a dietary supplement, the required dosage for Extenze to work is one per day, and must be taken for eight weeks for optimal results to push through. As a matter of fact, the very essence ofExtenze is to make it a part of your daily routine and regimen of vitamins.
The ingredients of Extenze are cut up into three basic groups: the male pro-hormone blend, the bio-enhancement blend, and the sexual response enhancement blend. These three put together work in a synergistic fashion to make your problems with size and erectile dysfunction go away forever. Some of the ingredients that can be found in Extenze are popular ingredients for male enhancement, such as ginger, black pepper, yohimbe extract, Korean ginseng extract, and horny goat weed.
MaleExtra is different because it is not just a pill that is taken everyday, it is actually a system that includes both pills as well as exercises that you can do in as little as 5-8 minutes in a day that will naturally and successfully make your penis bigger. The main feature of MaleExtra is that it contains the highest dosage among similar products. The MaleExtra pill has a whopping total of 1500mg of all natural ingredients, which is something that no other brand of male enhancement products can say. Also, out of the 1500ml, 70% of it is pomegranate, which is dubbed as nature's Viagra. It has been proven to be able to enhance a man's sexual libido and help him become a fireball in bed.
The other ingredients of MaleExtra are ingredients like L-Arginine, Muira Pauma, Epimedium Sagittatum, and Tongkat Alli, most of which are also very popular amongst male enhancement products. The pull of this product is that it offers a higher dosage compared to other brands, but for the same price as other brands.
If you are the type of person who is always on the go and do not have time to really do exercises, then Extenze is definitely the brand for you, but if you believe that you want to do the exercises because they have been proven to be effective in naturally and painlessly enlarging the penis, then you definitely need to go with MaleExtra. Either way, you can try them both without any risk because they both have a money back guarantee within 60 days if you are not fully satisfied with the product, or if you realize that it is not for you. But chances are you won't even need to send them back, because these two products are the real deal.
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